Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Much Needed Help

Ok, I know I mentioned a few projects last week that I had been working on. Today I shall show them to you. I know a "good" blogger takes before and after pictures, but me, I am out to be a good blogger that does not take before pictures. Kidding, I just forgot.  But fear not, I cant paint a picture in your mind as to what it used to look like. It was bright red walls, mismatched furniture ranging from yellow checkered to cream to white to black to red. But we have worked on it and we now have a new and improved bedroom. No, we did not rid ourselves of bright red walls...sorry.  I love red bedrooms. But instead we simplified the color scheme to red, black, and white. We redid everything from the headboard to side tables to adding honeymoon scenery pictures above the bed to adding some finishing touches to picture frames.

Here are the end tables I redid. For these, I wish I had the before picture because it would be a handy reminder what just a can of paint can do. These were hit in the face by the 80s. They were oak colored and had interesting gold handles that clanked as you moved the drawers. Although you can't tell from the pictures, they are antiqued/distressed.

Here is the headboard I made (B helped too) . It cost all in all $20 and 45 minutes to make. Beats buying a new head board! For so long we have debated queen or king, keep our current bed (inherited from my life as a Smith) or buy a new one. For now, this suits us well and I was extremely pleased with the outcome!

Here, my friends is our final product. We love our cozy room!

Happy Wednesday night to all! I pray Friday comes quickly....