Last night B and I brainstormed for sometime about times/events that homeowner's insurance comes in handy and what it covers. As we concluded the conversation, he asked what I would take if our home (apartment) caught on fire and we had to leave all of it to burn. (yes I know at this point this post is seeming rather heavy, sorry, hold on) I quickly responded without Bible and my sewing machines. YES, my sewing machines!!! Oh how I LOVE these dear machines. Before them, I never really had a hobby...there was really nothing I loved to do outside of being with others. But oh goodness was I missing out!! Now, I can spend hours at my sewing table. With a little music, a lot of fabric, and the steady movement of a needle for hours I find much contentment. The possibilities are endless!! I believe the Lord has graciously ignited this passion in me foreseeing that he Himself would also ignite a passion inside of B, medicine, that would consume much of his time. What a mighty God we serve! Here are pictures of my sewing/embroidery machine and my serger. I thought it necessary for you to get to know these loves of mine...

This is my wonderful serger. I am learning with this one. It only took about 3 months to figure out how to thread it. and when I say figure out how to thread it, it wasn't even me who ended up figuring it was my sweet hubby! He never fails to serve me and get in the middle of whatever crazy things that I am wanting to accomplish. He surprised me with this serger for Christmas!
And below is my embroidery/sewing machine. Oh I love it. It brings out this excitement in me! For those that know we me well, they are probable wondering if there is anything left in my home to monogram. Valid question I will agree. And to that I will answer, I am not sure. Either way, I love this machine, I love everything it does, and I love everything it creates.
Hope you all have enjoyed this beautiful day as much we have! Errands, a long walk, my brothers baseball games, and windows open...what a day the Lord so graciously provided. Before I digress, today we have witnessed God working again in our lives in the area of B's studying. We praise Him...what a faithful God we serve!
Happy Saturday!